Множество молодых людей в США немного понимают русский или украинский язык. Но английский стал для них приоритетным. Для них предлагаю копию своей статьи (О Смысле Жизни) на английском.
The word "God is Love" stands at the heart of the meaning of life.
I could put this in the telegraph as the style listed below.
God is love - is at the peak in point of the meaning of life.
No one has ever seen God.
God wanted to let the unseen become visible for mankind to see that God has made man in the in the likeness of His image. So his love, which had not yet seen to man, would be let known to his creation.
To do this, He created the world from the unseen as he first spoke into existence. "Let there be light."
In this universe, He created Love as the Objective, and so this became the ultimate goal of which God had established His Church so that through His Church, His Love would become known to all who have yet not seen God.
But God’s Love will remain to be unseen until divisions between children of God in His Church aren’t broken. He can not prevent anyone who chooses to build their own walls, which is why they can't see Him for the unconditional way that He Loves us. But, the time will come when His love will be manifested through His Church, and everyone will see that there is a Loving God and that God is the meaning of Love which is how the Love of God is the meaning of Life. Because Christ came into this world not to judge the world, but to save it.
I said almost everything; I think you know all of this, too, but might not be as concentrated in the emphasis that I've presented here.
I feel like I revealed this in a single concept, and you can check the whole Bible on this concept - how much it all fit in.
On the website linked below, I had my studies from the Bible to support this concept, written by me about 20 years ago -
inchrist.webs.com/ (sorry, most of it in Russian. Some in English)
Владимир Сургай,
Родился в Украине, в Запорожской области в 1956г в семье баптистов. Обратился к Богу в 1993г. Женат, 8 детей. Всей семьёй переехал в США в 1999г. На данный момент штат Миссури, г.Седалия. Заинтересован в поисках принципов единства между детьми Божьими.
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Не умру, но буду жить и возвещать дела Господние - Николай Николаевич Вдумайтесь в это место из Писания: «Ибо кто постыдится Меня и Моих слов, того Сын Человеческий постыдится, когда приидет во славе Своей и Отца и святых Ангелов». (Лук.9:26)
Они не стыдятся с ума сходить, то почему мы должны стесняться говорить о нашем славном Господе и спасении?